
Critical Home Repair

South Shore Habitat’s Critical Home Repair program combines repairs and modifications for low to moderate income seniors giving them the opportunity to remain safely and securely in their homes while creating an environment where they can maintain a healthy lifestyle and live independently.

A man is standing next to a woman in a wheelchair on a ramp.

The program covers the repairs listed below up to $10,000.

  • Ramp access to primary entrance
  • Handrail to primary entrance
  • Grab bars in the bathroom
  • Roof repair
  • Deck repair
  • Weatherization including windows
  • Siding repair

Eligibility Criteria

  • Property must be in South Shore Habitat's service area.
  • Home must be owned and occupied by the homeowner.
  • Home must be a single family residence. Rentals, mobile homes and condominiums are not eligible.
  • There must be a need. (home in poor condition, safety issues, does not meet code).
  • Applicants must show proof of up-to-date property insurance, property taxes and be current on the mortgage.
  • Senior Citizens (60+) and Veterans are encouraged to apply.
  • Household income must not exceed 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI).
  • Applicants must not have more than $50,000 in liquid assets (excludes retirement funds).
A man with a cane is standing in front of a house

Apply for Critical Home Repair

If you qualify for this program and are interested in applying to have work done to your home, please complete the application.

Download the Application
A man is walking up a set of wooden stairs
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